Christmas Tree Varieties
At Fernridge Christmas Tree Forest we currently grow 5 different types of Christmas Trees for your choosing. Each variety of Christmas Tree has its own unique look and characteristics. We also have a great selection of pre-cut trees including Noble Fir (which we do not grow).
Douglas-Fir "BC's Classic Christmas Tree"

Douglas-Fir has been a classic choice for a Christmas Tree in BC for many years due to its pyramidal shape, medium green soft needles and sweet smelling scent. This species is faster growing than other Christmas Trees. It loves the gravelly soils at our farm and accounts for the majority of trees that we grow.
Grand Fir "The Best Smelling Christmas Tree"

Grand Fir is known for its amazing aromatic qualities that really smells like “Christmas”. The Grand Fir has glossy dark green flat shaped needles with a white colored underside. Grand Fir often has a bushy appearance, with finer branches and usually a thick strong top.
Fraser Fir "The Longest Lasting Christmas Tree"

Fraser Fir is known for its ability to hold onto its needles the longest. Fraser Fir has a classic European look to the tree because of its sturdy branches, short needles and open spaces between branches. Fraser Fir needles have a green blue color and a mild fragrance usually with a thick strong top.
Nordman Fir "Dark, Glossy Green Bushy Tree"

Dark green and perfectly bushy the Nordman Fir is a picturesque Christmas Tree. It is a long lasting tree with glossy needles held on strong branches. Nordmann fir are ”true firs” native to the Republic of Georgia and northern Turkey.
Canaan Fir "Hardy Short Needle Tree"

It is a relative newcomer to the Christmas tree market and has many similarities to both Fraser and Balsam firs in growth and appearance It is an open, pyramidal tree, with stiff, horizontal branches, ending in stout, yellowish-brown, fuzzy twigs, with crowded shiny foliage. It grows best on fertile, moist, well-drained soils and can grow on dry sandy soils once established. It is a long lasting cut tree.
Noble Fir "The Traditional Looking Christmas Tree"

Noble Fir is known for its flat strong branches and upright blue green colored needles that give it a much sought after regal appearance. Noble Fir have spaces between their flat branches that some say are the perfect size for hanging ornaments. Noble Fir are slow growing and have a mild fragrance with needle retention almost as long as the Fraser Fir. Only Available as a Fresh Cut Tree